FX Chocolate- Defend : Mineral and vitamin infused chocolate! I finish the night off with one of these and there’s a variety of different kinds for all your wellness needs! (stress/energy/sleep, etc)
Yeti Rambler: THE BEST portable yeti ever because it doesn’t have that lid that constantly leaks (at least they do for me anyway). Its a screw on lid which means its basically impossible for any leakage!
Button Pins for Jeans : For all the sista snatches! If your jeans are loose around your hips/waist but fit perfectly down your legs, these buttons allow you to cross the waist to a tighter fit so you don’t have to wear a belt/keep buying new sizes!
Touch Screen Pen: I use this to draw/sketch on my iPad and I love it
Kettle & Fire Bone broth: Bone BROTH (not stock) is has so many benefits for your gut and hormones. I drink this in the morning (warmed up) instead of coffee. I swear by the benefits of this- acne, energy, metabolism. Do your research but this product is a favorite of mine!
Dr. George's Teeth Whitening Gel: BEST teeth whitening product. do it.
Jack Black's Razor Bump Fix: Ladies and gents…got razor bumps?? After you shave, pat the area dry and then apply this topically to the area (I dampen up a tissue and dab it on). Let it completely dry then add a non-scented lotion. You’ll be amazed!
Revlon Coconut Hair Treatment. This is something I always put in my air after my shower while my hair is wet before I blow dry AND before I apply any heat/iron to my hair! Even on days when my hair feels dry/frizzy in the AM, I spray a little in my hand and run it through my hair. It also smells sooo good if you like coconut.
Revlon Heated Brush. I style my hair with this basically every day. This is a HEATED BRUSH not a blow drying brush! It’s perfect for my curtain bangs and for making the ends of your hair neat and “whippy”!
Tibetan Singing Bowl Set: This is more of an “out there” product- I know not all of you are about to spend $200+ on a singing bowl set. However- if any of you have been interested in sound-therapy or into chakra healing, I figured I would share the set I bought since its one of the more “affordable” sets available considering they are usually $500+.